
"The State's Attorney's office advised, based on the review of the materials provided, there is insufficient evidence to support perjury charges against Mr. Boeshans," says the Morton County Sheriff.
The Legislature's failure to pass a bonding bill, leaves cities with unfunded projects on the drawing board. With inflation and aging infrastructure, the costs are expected to be higher next year.
Patrick Taylor was arrested on charges including driving under the influence with a child and aggravated domestic assault.
The Citizens Alliance of North Dakota, which is led by Rep. Brandon Prichard of Bismarck, is disseminating demonstrably false information about voting records.


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WDAY Meteorologist Jesse Ritka said minor flooding is typical with heavy rainfall in the spring.
Check out our weekly list of new fundraisers from Lend A Hand Up, a nonprofit crowdfunding site supporting families in Cass, Clay and Becker Counties burdened by health issues and other trauma.
Analysis finds that gaps have narrowed modestly on some key socioeconomic indicators. But in other areas of concern, Minnesota’s racial gaps have widened considerably.
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While gas prices in North Dakota and Minnesota have remained relatively stable this year, Memorial Day is expected to bring increased prices until the following Tuesday.
Aaron Goodwin faces charges in multiple jurisdictions.


The 66-year-old Bennett Brien has been battling stomach cancer since August.
On Thursday, May 23, the Becker County Museum unveiled the story of Vernie Zurn, whose remains are still near the DMZ of North and South Korea.