
Stormtracker Forecast
Tracking how much rain the area has seen this weekend
Radar & Roads
Weather Headlines
The proximity of the higher mountains forces very dry air into thunderstorms, which greatly increases the evaporation of raindrops, cooling the the air.
Hail usually falls in a very narrow swath which lies underneath the storm's updraft.
The top few feet of soil is not as consistently wet as it was for much of the past three decades.
The deadliest storm in United States history is the Galveston hurricane of September of 1900, which killed an estimated 8,000 people.
By the time this air reaches the ground, it can be surprisingly strong and turbulent.


StormTRACKER Meteorologist John Wheeler looks ahead to warmer weather in May.
In this Weather Wednesday we see how rain, snow and drought conditions have an impact on the water treatment process.
In this Weather Wednesday we explore where to go during a tornado warning if you are away from home.


Stormtracker Team
Robert Poynter
Robert Poynter
Charles Pekar - WDAY Headshots 2023.jpg
Charles Pekar